On Writing

As I’m having a hard time writing my second blog post (it wasn’t supposed to be this one), I started thinking about my writing process. This blog post is partially me complaining (but my mom says its part of our basic human rights) and partially me trying to decide what to write next, and what to do with the stuff I have already written but can’t see how to finalize.

What do I read?

Usually, I read fantasy books (but I haven’t been doing that enough lately), and articles trying to understand how the world functions and what it should ideally look like (see the first article in this blog).

What do I write about?

The blog isn’t made to be about a specific topic, but I would like to write about social/economical/political issues.  I like to think about those things, and there is no way to test and hone up my arguments better than making them public and getting feedback (except for testing them out in reality, but that is just a little bit harder).

Actually, the first pieces I wrote were personalized short stories for people I like (which I’m not going to share here).  The blog is the first time I write without a certain person in mind.  The last subject was something I’ve been talking to lots of friends about, so I had a foundation to build upon.  Now, there are issues I want to address but its really different from the way I’m used to writing.

How do I write?

I have a problem “waiting for inspiration”… I can always find something more interesting to do/read (sidenote: damn the people who invented the internet) when I’m waiting for inspiration.  I found that when I force myself to sit and write, I actually manage to write something (look at this post!), but the quality isn’t always how I want it.

In school, every time I needed to write something (which I tried to avoid as much as possible) I ended up writing what is called “stream of consciousness.”  I never knew that that is what it’s called, but this felt like the most natural way to write. But then all of the things I actually write are different; short stories need some kind of structure and the same goes for articles that are related to a certain issues, if you want people to read them.  I’ve found that it actually takes some extra effort to organize myself that way.

Then there is editing!  Editing is the bane of my existence. I hate rereading things I have written.  For example, even when I take exams, I hardly review what I answer.  If I do, I start doubting things that I know are right and suspect that I used the word “and” too many times and other things of this nature…

Why do I write?

Now this is the question of questions.

I’m not really sure why I write, and this is probably a big part of why its hard for me to write a second blog post.  When I write for somebody, I write to make them smile, but for the blog?  I don’t think I actually want to affect anyone.  I’m not planning to advertise much or get attention.

Is the blog for myself? I’m all into introspection and trying to understand myself, but I never felt the need to do it in public (this is probably going to be the most introspective it’s going to be).  What other reasons are there to write? I have a friend who blogs, but he is hoping to save the world.  I don’t have such aspirations (“go down dancing” is my motto).

To tell the truth, this is mainly a challenge for myself, like how I challenge myself in other aspects of life (relationships, sports, and ideas…).   Sometimes its hard to push myself to do it, but luckily right now its going well.  Apparently mental masturbation needs the right mood…

To conclude, I’m still not sure what I will write next, but I wrote something, so I feel lot less writer blocky right now… It’s something!

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